We just completed our latest project, Betrayal, which is a cinematic short film about a woman (Hannah Fraser) who has been deeply betrayed. Believing she will never trust again, she sinks into depression, severing all connections with her …

We just completed our latest project, Betrayal, which is a cinematic short film about a woman (Hannah Fraser) who has been deeply betrayed. Believing she will never trust again, she sinks into depression, severing all connections with her …
We returned to Isla Mujeres for our 4th season of sailfish action aboard the Lilly M and Andrea M of Keen M International. Captains Anthony, Rogelio and David did an outstanding job as usual. Despite challenging weather conditions and …
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the recently “discovered” Oslob, Philippines whale shark situation because of the feeding of the sharks that accompanies the tourism.
As with all things in life, there are many strong opinions and diverse …
I just returned from several weeks of filming in the Kingdom of Tonga with my partner John Weller. We are working on a global project, The Ocean Voice Film Series, addressing conservation issues and strategies at all levels of the …
I just received an update from Marit at Misool Eco Resort in Raja Ampat. Looks like this year the anchovy shoals have arrived in full force. Feeding on them are squadrons of Mubula Rays, pelagic fish and sharks. I was …
This June we began work on a film about the Sardine Run. Incredible numbers of dolphins, sharks, cape gannets and whales converge on the Wild Coast during the Sardine Run. Ready to great them are a select group of people …
This May we began work on a 3 part series call “Gathering of Giants – Whale Sharks of the Meso-American Reef”. In three special locations along the Meso-American reef, whale sharks gather in numbers during certain times of the year, …
Sailfish: House of Sailing Daggers was featured in this years San Diego UnderSea Film Festival.
Each year during the winter months, nutrient rich currents flowing north push up onto the shelf of Isla Mujeres, …
The Raja Ampat Islands are situated in the north west of Papua, Indonesia, and cover an area of approximately 6,962 sq. km. Situated in the heart of the coral triangle, the area is home to some of the worlds most …
Blue Sphere Media underwater footage was featured in an episode of a 10-part series called ‘Les Nouveaux Paradis by Franco-German TV network ARTE. Airing this summer, one entire episode featured eco-tourism in West Papua. Half of the programme covered …